Are there alternatives to using Google's in-app-billing , as a way to avoid publishing private info? [closed] Are there alternatives to using Google's in-app-billing , as a way to avoid publishing private info? [closed] android android

Are there alternatives to using Google's in-app-billing , as a way to avoid publishing private info? [closed]

Yes, there is a company called Stripe that offers an API helps do the in app billing without the need to use the Google in app billing.

EDIT :For the legal aspect of this, it depends on what you are selling , check this from google play policy.

App purchases: Developers charging for apps and downloads from Google Play must do so by using Google Play's payment system. In-app purchases: Developers offering virtual goods or currencies within a game downloaded from Google Play must use Google Play's in-app billing service as the method of payment. Developers offering additional content, services or functionality within another category of app downloaded from Google Play must use Google Play's in-app billing service as the method of payment, except: where payment is primarily for physical goods or services (e.g., buying movie tickets, or buying a publication where the price also includes a hard copy subscription); or where payment is for digital content or goods that may be consumed outside of the app itself (e.g., buying songs that can be played on other music players).

The source

It looks as if the only options are removing any IAPs from your apps or use a bureau (publisher?) service which will publish the app on your behalf (and therefore probably take a %age of sales) ... and they'll need to trust that your app does not do anything malicious and is of high enough quality... They might even want to compile it from source as well as obviously they aren't going to let their app signing keys out in the wild.

Ironically, it would appear that this restriction is to reduce the number of bogus apps that are out there but then .. anyone publishing something like this will just use a fake address anyway.