Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)? [closed] Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)? [closed] android android

Are there any good ORMs (preferably JPA implementations) that support SQLite (on Android)? [closed]

Regarding JPA implementations, there is at least a third party Dialect for SQLite for Hibernate. I'm not 100% sure but EclipseLink seems to be an option too (although SQLite is not officially supported).

But for Android development, I would definitely check ActiveAndroid.

Just in case, here are some other alternatives: jPersist, Ebean, Dreamsource ORM (have a look at the announcement on TSS).

ORMLite is not fully JPA compliant but it does support Sqlite on Android. It makes calls to the native Android OS database APIs to support its ORM functionality. We have a large number of Android users who are using it very successfully.

BatooJPA is the only full featured JPA 2.0 spec compliant option. For mobile platforms, CPU consumption should be consider because of battery life limited CPU power etc. BatooJPA is perfect when full spec required and CPU resource does matters. For the SQLite case as far as you can provide a JDBC driver, Batoo JPA will do the rest.