Assets folder in Android Studio? Assets folder in Android Studio? android android

Assets folder in Android Studio?

I am not sure if there has been any bug fixes since this was asked, but I am using the current structure for a project in Android Studio 0.5.2:

root-module|--.idea|--app|----build|----src|------main|--------assets|----------SomeFont.ttc|----------AnotherFont.otf|--------java|----------source code here|--------res|------AndroidManifest.xml|----build.gradle

And then obtain it by calling

Typeface.createFromAsset(mContext.getResources().getAssets(), "SomeFont.ttc");

Word of caution though, there is a bug ( that prevents typefaces from being garbage collected properly. Use a singleton!

Create Assets folder Right click on app->>new->>Folder->>AssetsFolder like below image

enter image description here

Put your font inside this folder by just copy and paste. and use below code for example..

Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), "YourFontName.ttf");setTypeface(tf);

Simply follow this path:

File > New > folder > assets Folder

Here App must be selected before creating folder.

For more information see this answer