<AudioRecord> "Could not get audio input for record source 1" <AudioRecord> "Could not get audio input for record source 1" android android

<AudioRecord> "Could not get audio input for record source 1"

For me, the cause was failure to call AudioRecord.release() for a previous instance of AudioRecord; it tied up native resources in AudioFlinger and interfered with subsequent AudioRecord instances. Saw it on a Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S) Android 2.1 (Eclair); either the Eclair or the Samsung implementation may be particularly intolerant.

Had the same error, till I restarted the device.

It seems that on my Galaxy S the native impl is buggy: several times acquiring and releasing an AudioRecorder (during whole phone uptime) causes that error.

After using audio recorder, you must stop and release it. Then when you init the audio recorder the next time, it's ok.