Back button closing app even when using FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack() Back button closing app even when using FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack() android android

Back button closing app even when using FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack()

You have to add the popBackStack() call to the onBackPressed() method of the activity.


@Overridepublic void onBackPressed() {    if (fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() > 0) {        fragmentManager.popBackStack();    } else {        super.onBackPressed();    }}

@Bobbake4's answer is awesome, but there is one little problem.Let's say I have three fragments A, B and C.A is the main Fragment (the fragment that shows when I launch my app), B and C are fragments I can navigate to from the navigation drawer or from A.Now, when I use the back button from B or C, I go back to the previous fragment (A) alright, but the title of the previous fragment (fragment B or C) now shows in the actionBar title of Fragment A. I have to press the back button again to "truly" complete the back navigation (to display the view and correct title for the fragment and returning to)

This is how I solved this problem. Declare these variables.

 public static boolean IS_FRAG_A_SHOWN = false; public static boolean IS_FRAG_B_SHOWN = false; public static boolean IS_FRAG_C_SHOWN = false;

In the MainActivity of my app where am handling navigation drawer methods, I have a method displayView(position) which handles switching of my fragments.

private void displayView(int position) {    IS_FRAG_A_SHOWN = false;    IS_FRAG_B_SHOWN = false;    IS_FRAG_C_SHOWN = false;    // update the main content by replacing fragments    Fragment fragment = null;    switch (position) {        case 0:            fragment = new FragmentA();            IS_FRAG_A_SHOWN = true;            break;        case 1:            fragment = new FragmentB();            IS_FRAG_B_SHOWN = true;            break;        case 2:            fragment = new FragmentC();            IS_FRAG_C_SHOWN = true;            break;        default:            break;    }

finally, in my onBackPressed method, I do this:

public void onBackPressed() {    if(fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount() != 0) {        fragmentManager.popBackStack();        if (IS_FRAG_A_SHOWN) { //If we are in fragment A when we press the back button, finish is called to exit            finish();        } else  {            displayView(0); //else, switch to fragment A        }    } else {        super.onBackPressed();    }}