Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android? Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android? android android

Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android?

In iOS 10+

Apple enabled the attribute playsinline in all browsers on iOS 10, so this works seamlessly:

<video src="file.mp4" playsinline>

In iOS 8 and iOS 9

Short answer: use iphone-inline-video, it enables inline playback and syncs the audio.

Long answer: You can work around this issue by simulating the playback by skimming the video instead of actually .play()'ing it.

There's a property that enables/disables in line media playback in the iOS web browser (if you were writing a native app, it would be the allowsInlineMediaPlayback property of a UIWebView). By default on iPhone this is set to NO, but on iPad it's set to YES.

Fortunately for you, you can also adjust this behaviour in HTML as follows:

<video id="myVideo" width="280" height="140" webkit-playsinline>

...that should hopefully sort it out for you. I don't know if it will work on your Android devices. It's a webkit property, so it might. Worth a go, anyway.

Old answer (applicable till 2016)

Here's an Apple developer link that explicitly says that -

on iPhone and iPod touch, which are small screen devices, "Video is NOT presented within the Web Page"

Safari Device-Specific Considerations

Your options:

  • The webkit-playsinline attribute works for HTML5 videos on iOS but only when you save the webpage to your home screen as a webapp - Not if opened a page in Safari
  • For a native app with a WebView (or a hybrid app with HTML, CSS, JS) the UIWebView allows to play the video inline, but only if you set the allowsInlineMediaPlayback property for the UIWebView class to true