Can I draw with antialiasing on canvas? Can I draw with antialiasing on canvas? android android

Can I draw with antialiasing on canvas?

Drawing operations want Paint. In this Paint you set Paint.setFlags(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG)

Check this out. It fairly uses smooth edges..

The paint properties needed to get anti-aliasing is :

     mPaint = new Paint();     mPaint.setAntiAlias(true);

For drawing use:

     mPath = new Path();     mPath.reset();     mPath.moveTo(x, y);//can be used where to trigger the path

onDraw method should contain:

     canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);

Declare the mPath and mPaint as global.

You can provide ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG in Paint constructor Paint(int). The ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG flag enables antialiasing when drawing. Enabling this flag will cause all draw operations that support antialiasing to use it.

Or you can set this flag later using setFlags(int) method

Example implementation In Kotlin:

 //Paintprivate var indicatorPaint: Paint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG).apply {    isAntiAlias = true    color = fillColor    strokeWidth = lineThickness.toFloat()    style = Paint.Style.STROKE}