"Canvas: trying to draw too large bitmap" when Android N Display Size set larger than Small "Canvas: trying to draw too large bitmap" when Android N Display Size set larger than Small android android

"Canvas: trying to draw too large bitmap" when Android N Display Size set larger than Small

I my case, moving the (hi-res) splash bitmap from drawable to drawable-xxhdpi was the solution.

I had the same problem. I didn't suspect my splash screen to be the problem, since it is displayed when the app is started, but it turned out the splash screen is the problem.

The splash screen in my case has xxhdpi resolution, and it was mistakenly placed in the drawable folder, instead of drawable-xxhdpi. This made Android assume the splash screen had mdpi resolution and scale the image to 3*3 times it's required size and trying to create a bitmap.

I solved the problem after adding the below code into the Manifest file's application tag in between android: lines.


I don't know would it help some one, but I'll just leave it here.In my case - problem was only on Sumsung devices with Android 7, and problem was in splash screen proportions. after changing height to 1024 px - everything works fine