Change package name for Android in React Native Change package name for Android in React Native android android

Change package name for Android in React Native

I've renamed the project' subfolder from: "android/app/src/main/java/MY/APP/OLD_ID/" to: "android/app/src/main/java/MY/APP/NEW_ID/"

Then manually switched the old and new package ids:


package MY.APP.NEW_ID;

In android/app/src/main/java/MY/APP/NEW_ID/

package MY.APP.NEW_ID;

In android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:


And in android/app/build.gradle:

applicationId "MY.APP.NEW_ID"

In android/app/BUCK:

android_build_config(  package="MY.APP.NEW_ID")android_resource(  package="MY.APP.NEW_ID")

Gradle' cleaning in the end (in /android folder):

./gradlew clean

I use the react-native-rename* npm package. Install it via

npm install react-native-rename -g

Then, from the root of your React Native project, execute the following:

react-native-rename "MyApp" -b com.mycompany.myapp

To change the package name from com.myapp to: com.mycompany.myapp (for example),

  1. For iOS app of the react app, use xcode - under general.
  2. For the android app, open the build.gradle at module level. The one in the android/app folder. You will find
// ...defaultConfig {     applicationId com.myapp     // ...}// ...

Change the com.myapp to whatever you need.

Hope this helps.