configure a Qt5 5.7 application for Android with CMake configure a Qt5 5.7 application for Android with CMake android android

configure a Qt5 5.7 application for Android with CMake

As a workaround (from here) you can comment out the line


in lib/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreConfigExtras.cmake file

For me, the trick was to clean all configuration and temporary build files and force a reconfiguration of the project:

  • Close Qt Creator
  • Remove manually
    • Qt build folders
    • All .pro.user and .cmake.user files
    • All CMake build folders
  • Re-open the project

I agree that the message is not very helpful, so no my answer is a guess. It seems like cmake fails to detect your toolchain (GCC) correctly, and this is related to cmake internals, not necessarily your script.

I found a related question: "no known features for CXX compiler" when compiling with MSVC++ 2013

Also, if you google '"No known features for CXX compiler" cmake' there will be some bug reports for cmake in the search result.

What you can try is to update the cmake version, if one is available. If the problem persist I suggest to use the cmake-users mailing list or IRC channels to sort out the problem.