Convert null object to String Convert null object to String android android

Convert null object to String

Instead of catching the exception or putting conditions, use String.valueOf(result.getPropertyAsString(0));

It will call toString() method of the argument and will convert it to String and if result.getPropertyAsString(0) is null, then it wil change it to "null"

Though its not a good practice, But You can concatenate the null value with "" to make it a String.

For ex:

    String str=null;    System.out.println((str+"").length()); /// prints 4

result.getPropertyAsString(0) alone will result in a NPE already when the property is internally null. Your stacktrace points to SoapObject.getPropertyAsString( which should be

public String getPropertyAsString(int index) {    PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo) properties.elementAt(index);    return propertyInfo.getValue().toString();}

source - it will crash when propertyInfo or propertyInfo.getValue() is null.

To prevent that from happening you need to get the property not via getPropertyAsString but via getProperty and convert it manually to a String.

You can encapsulate that into some utility method

public static String getPropertyAsString(SoapObject object, int index) {    Object prop = object.getProperty(index);    if(prop instanceof PropertyInfo) {        prop = ((PropertyInfo)prop).getValue();    }    return String.valueOf(prop); // will make it "null" if it is null}

and then do

deleteuserDetails.setUserId(getPropertyAsString(result, getPropertyAsString(4)));deleteuserDetails.setUserName(getPropertyAsString(result, getPropertyAsString(2)));deleteuserDetails.setUserRole(getPropertyAsString(result, getPropertyAsString(3)));