Cordova: Is it possible to have different app IDs for android and ios platforms? Cordova: Is it possible to have different app IDs for android and ios platforms? android android

Cordova: Is it possible to have different app IDs for android and ios platforms?

This is now built into CLI (finally):

In you your config.xml file-


<widget    android-packageName=""    ios-CFBundleIdentifier="com.example.ios">


Yes, you can do that. There is more option for them, it's depends on how do you build your Android application (how do you create your apk).

If you create the apk using cordova, first you have to decode your apk:

apktool d <apkname>.apk <directory to decode>e.g: apktool d your.apk decodedir

Change the package="com.StackOverflowExample.MyQuestion" string in AndroidManifest.xml.

Encode your apk:

apktool b <directory> <new apk name>e.g:apktool b testdir/ your.repacked.apk

If you create the apk using any Android developer tools, you can change the id in the appropriate xml file (AndroidManifest.xml), and build the app.