Could not resolve Could not resolve android android

Could not resolve

Came across the same issue.i resolve it by installing the latest fabric plugin for android studio.

Add the following to the build.gradle .

buildscript {    repositories {        maven { url '' }    }    dependencies {        classpath ''    }}apply plugin: 'io.fabric'repositories {    maven { url '' }}

WHERE VVV is the latest version. In my case VVV IS 1.31.2

Add this to the manifest

<meta-data            android:name="io.fabric.ApiKey"            android:value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" />

where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is your obtained value.

Add this to your launcher class.

Fabric.with(this, Crashlytics())

Rebuild project and you are good to go.

Well, the error seems pretty clear. You cannot connect to either of the repos via HTTPS. As it is unlikely that all those are down and you already said you are behind a proxy, configure the HTTPS proxy via Gradle properties as described in the users guide and you should be fine.

If you proxy is configured properly on Gradle side, maybe the proxy blocks the requests due to some condition. In that case you should probably ask the maintainer of that proxy.

Edit Project Gradle like this

buildscript {repositories {    google()    jcenter()    maven {        url ''    }}dependencies {    classpath ''    classpath ''    classpath ''    // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong    // in the individual module build.gradle files}}allprojects {repositories {    google()    jcenter()    maven {        url ''    }}}task clean(type: Delete) {delete rootProject.buildDir}