Crashlytics Fabric : Failed to execute task Crashlytics Fabric : Failed to execute task android android

Crashlytics Fabric : Failed to execute task

I fixed the TimeoutException by adding the following to my build.gradle

ext.enableCrashlytics = true

Or if you have several extensions already:

ext {    ...    enableCrashlytics = true}

You can put it in your application's build.gradle.

This issue drove me crazy still in 2019, but I think I finally figured out, what did the exception cause.

I followed all the setup instructions given in the official firebase documentation, but when I tested my solution I didn't get any report on Firebase Crashlytics admin, because of the TimeoutException.

The reason was in my case, that I triggered the Exception in my main activity's onCreate() or onResume() methods.When I let my app at the first start just run without exception, then later I started to get the reports without any error, so I think it's important, that at the first start the app shouldn't throw any exception in the hook methods.

Hope my experience helped.

I got this issue as well. I solved it simply by doing Android Studio -> File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and restart