Crashlytics / Fabric not reporting crashes on Android Crashlytics / Fabric not reporting crashes on Android android android

Crashlytics / Fabric not reporting crashes on Android

Make sure you're NOT setting a default uncaught exception handler (Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler). This was the problem I had.

Try add it to your Application class:

Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics());

For test crash report use:


For report non-fatals use:

Crashlytics.log("Your log");Crashlytics.logException(new Throwable("This your not-fatal name"));

As of now you need to update the fabric api to latest 2.9.3 for android and in you main file you need to add this in last of on create() method

final Fabric fabric = new Fabric.Builder(this)            .kits(new Crashlytics())            .debuggable(true)            .build();Fabric.with(fabric);