Create a custom info window in google maps V2 Create a custom info window in google maps V2 android android

Create a custom info window in google maps V2

its just an xml layout like other layouts would be. check here for a small tutorial.

Just remember that buttons in the layout will not work

Read this post to understand how to create custom infowindows. You can add the required imageviews inside the xml layout file and render the layout as the infowindow

If you want to customize the InfoWindow:

  1. Make a custom InfoWindowAdapter (make sure to send the context) by overriding the the required methods.

  2. Inflate the custom view.

  3. Refer all the views by findViewById() and do that every needed.

  4. Set the Adapter Like this :

mMap = googleMap;mMap.setInfoWindowAdapter(new CustomInfoWindowAdapter getApplicationContext()));