Define buildconfigfield for an specific flavor AND buildType Define buildconfigfield for an specific flavor AND buildType android android

Define buildconfigfield for an specific flavor AND buildType

Loop the variants and check their names:

productFlavors {    vanilla {}    chocolate {}}applicationVariants.all { variant ->    println("Iterating variant: " + variant.getName())    if (variant.getName() == "chocolateDebug") {        variant.buildConfigField "boolean", "VARIABLE", "true"    } else {        variant.buildConfigField "boolean", "VARIABLE", "false"    }}

Here is a solution without lacks I've described under Simas answer

buildTypes {    debug {}    release {}}productFlavors {    vanilla {        ext {            variable = [debug: "vanilla-debug value", release: "vanilla-release value"]        }    }    chocolate {        ext {            variable = [debug: "chocolate-debug value", release: "chocolate-release value"]        }    }}applicationVariants.all { variant ->    def flavor = variant.productFlavors[0]    variant.buildConfigField "boolean", "VARIABLE", "\"${flavor.variable[]}\""}

Within the Gradle build system, buildTypes and productFlavors are unfortunately two separate entities.

As far as I am aware, to complete what you want to achieve, you would need to create another build flavour as such:

buildTypes {        debug{}        release {}    }    productFlavors {        vanillaDebug {             buildConfigField BOOLEAN, VARIABLE, FALSE        }        vanillaRelease {             buildConfigField BOOLEAN, VARIABLE, TRUE        }        chocolate {             buildConfigField BOOLEAN, VARIABLE, FALSE        }    }