Detect back button press while dialog is open in flutter Detect back button press while dialog is open in flutter android android

Detect back button press while dialog is open in flutter

Back button won't close the dialog.

showDialog(  context: context,  barrierDismissible: false,  builder: (BuildContext context) {    return WillPopScope(      onWillPop: () async => false,      child: AlertDialog(        title: Text('Title'),        content: Text('This is Demo'),        actions: <Widget>[          FlatButton(            onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),            child: Text('Go Back'),          ),        ],      ),    );  },);

Three ways to stop dialog getting closed by Android Back Button

Option one:

           onWillPop: () {                          return Future.value(false);                        },

Option Two:

    onWillPop: () async {                          return false;                        },

Option Three:

 onWillPop: () {}, // This will give surpress warning, try to avoid this one.

Because my reputation not enough to comment on the accepted answer, I want to give other alternative for onPressed: () {}. You can use onPressed: () => null. No warning will pop up.