Development of application similar to "Google now" - is it possible to use voice recognition without key input? Development of application similar to "Google now" - is it possible to use voice recognition without key input? android android

Development of application similar to "Google now" - is it possible to use voice recognition without key input?

(Updated 06.01.2018: added some bits to previous answer)

you can have reference with Saiy, previously Utter

this app uses hot word detection as "Google Now".

and there is no such API provided by Android to perform such operation.

Saiy app is now opensource with repository here. From what little I saw in the code, it seems to have implemented the functionality using CMU Pocketshinx.

Don't forget to post your findings.

Note-its very CPU-intensive and battery consuming to listen all the time in background.

Well with Jform ,not android,and you create a button, you are able to call button.doClick(). So what i used was a Timer , Timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new task(),int delay,int iterval); so that it would do it independantly and repeat. So what im trying to get at is ,im sure there's a way in android to do.action/button/key, and so on and you can use a timer to activate it independently. Seeing as though it is a void just try


As for the timer;

Timer listenTimer = new Timer();//listenTimer.schedualAtFixedRate(new listeningTask(),0,1);//place this where your program starts as this starts the timerclass listeningTask extends TimerTask{  if(condition){    listenToSpeech();  }}

sorry about the format or indentation, using a tablet.