Enable real fixed positioning on Samsung Android browsers Enable real fixed positioning on Samsung Android browsers android android

Enable real fixed positioning on Samsung Android browsers

Maybe you could consider a different approach that doesn't require fixed positioning...

Add scrolling to the paragraph element instead of on the (default) body element. You can then position the paragraph element just under the header. This will ensure that the header always displays at the top of the page yet allowing you to scroll through the text in the paragraph.

h1 {   height: 20px;}p {  position: absolute;  top: 20px;  left: 0px;  right: 0px;  bottom: 0px;  overflow-y: auto;}

I think the best way for android 2.2 browser implement javascript.

You can find more info via this link. It is about fixed positioning in all mobile browsers.


In his comment to Brad Frost's article Matthew Holloway suggests a solution along the lines of Anita Foley's answer, but with a polyfill for overflow:auto, where not supported. Check it out here:
