Error:Execution failed for task ':app:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug'. > Crashlytics Developer Tools error Error:Execution failed for task ':app:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug'. > Crashlytics Developer Tools error android android

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug'. > Crashlytics Developer Tools error

You need to add your API Key to the Android Manifest:

<application>    <meta-data        android:name="com.crashlytics.ApiKey"        android:value="your key here" /></application>

Same solution is provided here.

Try the next solution:

  1. Open your fabric plug-in and then open Crashlytics
  2. If you don't have install Crashlytics install it. This will modify and sync your build.gradle

I did this and it worked for me. Hope it work for you.

I got this error after linking my fabric API key to a string resource like so:

<meta-data    android:name="io.fabric.ApiKey"    android:value="@string/fabric_api_key" />

Solved it by putting the API key as a string literal in the value attribute:

<meta-data    android:name="io.fabric.ApiKey"    android:value="123905329fakekey023904909423" />