Error using Android Design Support Library: attr backgroundTint not found Error using Android Design Support Library: attr backgroundTint not found android android

Error using Android Design Support Library: attr backgroundTint not found

Add appcompat-v7 library as dependency to the design library project. It resolve the same error for me. I think it helps you.

I was able to fix the issue with @igece solution, but later I found out that the real issue is an outdated appcompat-v7 library.

After upgrading it to the latest version nothing had to be edited on Google's libraries.

Seems to be solved adding the format attribute to both backgroundTint and backgroundTintMode items in /res/values/attrs.xml:


<declare-styleable name="FloatingActionButton">    <!-- Background for the FloatingActionButton -->    <attr name="android:background"/>    <attr name="backgroundTint"/>    <attr name="backgroundTintMode"/>


<declare-styleable name="FloatingActionButton">    <!-- Background for the FloatingActionButton -->    <attr name="android:background"/>    <attr name="backgroundTint" format="color"/>    <attr name="backgroundTintMode" format="integer"/>