Espresso how to wait for some time(1 hour)? Espresso how to wait for some time(1 hour)? android android

Espresso how to wait for some time(1 hour)?

You need an IdlingResource with an isIdleNow() that returns true only if the specific amount of time has passed. To achieve that, save the start time and compare it with current time:

public class ElapsedTimeIdlingResource implements IdlingResource {  private final long startTime;  private final long waitingTime;  private ResourceCallback resourceCallback;  public ElapsedTimeIdlingResource(long waitingTime) {    this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();    this.waitingTime = waitingTime;  }  @Override  public String getName() {    return ElapsedTimeIdlingResource.class.getName() + ":" + waitingTime;  }  @Override  public boolean isIdleNow() {    long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;    boolean idle = (elapsed >= waitingTime);    if (idle) {      resourceCallback.onTransitionToIdle();    }    return idle;  }  @Override  public void registerIdleTransitionCallback(      ResourceCallback resourceCallback) {    this.resourceCallback = resourceCallback;  }}

Create and register this idling resource in your test:

@Testpublic static void waitForOneHour() {  long waitingTime = DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS;  // Start  onView(withId(AaEspressoTest.getId("recorderpage_record")))      .perform(click());  // Make sure Espresso does not time out  IdlingPolicies.setMasterPolicyTimeout(      waitingTime * 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout(      waitingTime * 2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  // Now we wait  IdlingResource idlingResource = new ElapsedTimeIdlingResource(waitingTime);  Espresso.registerIdlingResources(idlingResource);  // Stop  onView(withId(AaEspressoTest.getId("recorderpage_stop")))      .perform(click());  // Clean up  Espresso.unregisterIdlingResources(idlingResource);}

You need the setMasterPolicyTimeout and setIdlingResourceTimeout calls to make sure Espresso does not terminate the test due to time out.

Full example:

The default timeout that Espresso will wait for all registered resources to become idle is one minute.

You can change this using the IdlingPolicies class to set an explicit timeout:

IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);

@Beforepublic void registerIdlingResource() {    IdlingPolicies.setMasterPolicyTimeout(60 * 1000 * 3, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);    IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout(60 * 1000 * 3, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);    mIdlingResource = BooleanIdlingResource.getIdlingResource();    // To prove that the test fails, omit this call:    IdlingRegistry.getInstance().register(mIdlingResource);}

I test on my project, It works.Just setup before register idling resources.please check: