Espresso test error: AppNotIdleException Espresso test error: AppNotIdleException android android

Espresso test error: AppNotIdleException

I have been struggling with this problem for the last few days.
Here is a method that I used to identify "violators":

private void dumpThreads() {    int activeCount = Thread.activeCount();    Thread[] threads = new Thread[activeCount];    Thread.enumerate(threads);    for (Thread thread : threads) {        System.err.println(thread.getName() + ": " + thread.getState());        for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : thread.getStackTrace()) {            System.err.println("\t" + stackTraceElement);        }    }}

In my case, Facebook SDK was using the AsyncTask thread pool.

As per answer by MaciejGórski to the similar question:

It was a bug in my app code, where SwipeRefreshLayout animated itself indefinitely. Due to a bug in this component, the refresh state was not even showing.

In my case this problem was happening with AnimatedVectorDrawable and caused by an objectAnimator that was set to repeat the animation infinitely (android:repeatCount="infinite"). .

The problem was also present only on older platform versions. Tests were perfectly working on Android 9 while the problem was reproducible on Android 5 and 6 (not sure about 7 and 8 at the moment).

I believe, the root cause of the problem is the same as for indeterminate progress bars (covered in this SO question). However, I haven't found any nice solution, only workarounds.

One of the workarounds is to detect that the animation is turned off (animator duration is 0) in the setting and don't start the animation. Of course, this only works for platform versions where the animation does not autostart.

private fun startIconAnimation(imageView: ImageView) {    if (areAnimationsEnabled()) {        (imageView.drawable as Animatable).start()    }}private fun areAnimationsEnabled(): Boolean {    val animatorDurationScale = Settings.Global.getFloat(        requireContext().contentResolver,        Settings.Global.ANIMATOR_DURATION_SCALE,        1.0f    )    return animatorDurationScale != 0.0f}

Note: API level 26 introduced a static method ValueAnimator.areAnimatorsEnabled() which would have been handy if the problem was not happening only on the older platform versions.