Get color value programmatically when it's a reference (theme) Get color value programmatically when it's a reference (theme) android android

Get color value programmatically when it's a reference (theme)

This should do the job:

TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();Theme theme = context.getTheme();theme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.theme_color, typedValue, true);@ColorInt int color =;

Also make sure to apply the theme to your Activity before calling this code. Either use:


in your manifest or call (before you call setContentView(int)):


in onCreate().

I've tested it with your values and it worked perfectly.

To add to the accepted answer, if you're using kotlin.

@ColorIntfun Context.getColorFromAttr(    @AttrRes attrColor: Int,    typedValue: TypedValue = TypedValue(),    resolveRefs: Boolean = true): Int {    theme.resolveAttribute(attrColor, typedValue, resolveRefs)    return}

and then in your activity you can do


We can use the utility class provided by Material Design library:

int color = MaterialColors.getColor(context, R.attr.theme_color, Color.BLACK)

NOTE: Color.BLACK is the default color in case the attribute supplied to the u