Get Google Play Store Apps HTML Dynamic Badge Get Google Play Store Apps HTML Dynamic Badge android android

Get Google Play Store Apps HTML Dynamic Badge

I don't think there's an official way to do this (as you have already mentioned the Badge Generator). Anyway you can use one of the many Play Store API wrapper on github to extract the desidered information and build your own fancy badge.


There´s a fully embedable html widget you can use out of the box.

You can customize look and feel as they´ve got class per item so you can hide or remove things with css or javascript. Even the "widget by..." has a class pb-wd-footeryou can set to be hidden and leave the widget clean.

You can try this.

{  appId: "com.dxco.pandavszombies",  title: "Panda vs Zombie: Elvis rage",  url: "",  icon: "",  minInstalls: 10000,  maxInstalls: 50000,  score: 4.9,  reviews: 2312,  description: "Everyone in town has gone zombie.",  descriptionHTML: "Everyone in town has gone <b>zombie</b>.",  developer: "DxCo Games",  genre: "Action",  price: "0",  free: true}

Fetch data using ajax jsonp and create html UI to include in your page. Hope you should be good to go.