Get rid of "Exported service does not require permission" warning Get rid of "Exported service does not require permission" warning android android

Get rid of "Exported service does not require permission" warning

The warning is telling you that you have exported (ie: made publicly available) a service without securing it with a permission. This makes your service available to any other applications without restrictions. See Exported service does not require permission: what does it mean?

If your service doesn't need to be available to other applications, you don't need to export it. Explicitly setting android:exported="false" will remove the warning.

Note: The default value for android:exported is true if you have provided an Intent filter.

You need to add a permission requirement for your service. The one you need is android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER. Your authenticator is only accessed through the manager.

Regarding this issue, there is already a bug created in Android project about this warning using "Sync Adapter": but it's still an Open bug.