Google Maps works fine on Android but I still get an error "Could not find class 'maps.i.k', referenced from method" Google Maps works fine on Android but I still get an error "Could not find class 'maps.i.k', referenced from method" android android

Google Maps works fine on Android but I still get an error "Could not find class 'maps.i.k', referenced from method"

Remove this code:

 <uses-library        android:name=""        android:required="true" />

first of all it's not required for Google Map API V2.

Next, try to move this code to be right before the closing application tag:

 <meta-data        android:name=""        android:value="AIzaSyBoWsWNaUTWyHxGuJuNehzfbNvyTv1zIeA" />

like that:

 <meta-data        android:name=""        android:value="AIzaSyBoWsWNaUTWyHxGuJuNehzfbNvyTv1zIeA" /></application>

Finally check that you have turned on the right API service in Google API Console:

enter image description here

You can get more information on both of this topics from this two blog posts I wrote:

Google Maps API V2


Google Maps API V2 key


For the licensing check this link:

basically in some place in your application whether it an activity or a dialog you have to run this:

String LicenseInfo = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getOpenSourceSoftwareLicenseInfo(getApplicationContext());

and present the result in some form of fashion.

I'm not sure but another question has the same error included in it's errors and in that case the app was not signed correctly. If this is the problem you will need to fix it before deploying your app professionally as it will only work in debug mode.