Gradle always take the values from the buildType inside the last flavor Gradle always take the values from the buildType inside the last flavor android android

Gradle always take the values from the buildType inside the last flavor

You can have work arounds like: defining string values at the build time which you can reference in any part of the code. Here is an example that may help you or anybody else

 buildTypes {    production {        minifyEnabled true        signingConfig signingConfigs.release        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''    }    development {        minifyEnabled false    }}productFlavors {    mcDonalds {        resValue "string", "key1", "value1"        resValue "string", "key2", "value2"    }    burgerKing {        resValue "string", "key1", "value1"        resValue "string", "key2", "value2"    }


This will create the following build variants with different configs

  1. mcDonaldsDevelopment
  2. mcDonaldsProduction
  3. burgerKingDevelopment
  4. burgerKingProduction

also in your code you can check if you are production of development using the following

if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {       //select string for development (key1)    } else {       //select string for production (key2)    }