Gradle cannot find Android Compose Compiler Gradle cannot find Android Compose Compiler android android

Gradle cannot find Android Compose Compiler

Had the same issue and resolved after updating the gradle version to

classpath ""

and instead of declaring compiler version kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion in the composeoptions, decalred as a dependency

implementation "androidx.ui:ui-tooling:$compose_version"implementation "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime:$compose_version"implementation "androidx.compose.compiler:compiler:$compose_version"

I had to upgrade my Gradle version:

buildscript {    dependencies {         classpath ""

I was having a very similar problem, but when running an Android project in IntelliJ IDEA, not Android Studio.

I seems that upgrading the dependency indeed fixed the original problem ("Gradle cannot find Android Compose Compiler"), but then I started having other problems, so had to find another way.

I used IDEA's new project wizard, then selected Kotlin, then "Multiplatform" (under Jetpack Compose for Desktop group). This created a new project with an Android module, a Desktop module and a Common module. From this template, I basically copied how the Android and Common modules are setup into my original Android project.

The main difference is that JetBrains seems to provide a (yet another) Gradle plugin (org.jetbrains.compose) that sets up Compose for us (because of some changes to also support desktop, I guess), and with this plugin, everything seems to work and the "Gradle cannot find Android Compose Compiler" is gone.

This is the plugin used in the new project template:

id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "0.3.0"

This is how Compose dependencies are added:


Keep in mind that I'm not necessarily using Desktop here, at least not for now, but that was the only way I could make an Android app work with the latest (2021+) releases of Compose with just IDEA (not Android Studio) installation.