How can I change the app display name build with Flutter? How can I change the app display name build with Flutter? android android

How can I change the app display name build with Flutter?


Open AndroidManifest.xml (located at android/app/src/main)

<application    android:label="App Name" ...> // Your app name here


Open info.plist (located at ios/Runner)

<key>CFBundleName</key><string>App Name</string> // Your app name here

Don't forget to run

flutter clean

UPDATE: From the comments this answer seems to be out of date

The Flutter documentation points out where you can change the display name of your application for both Android and iOS. This may be what you are looking for:

For Android

It seems you have already found this in the AndroidManifest.xml as the application entry.

Review the default App Manifest file AndroidManifest.xml located in/android/app/src/main/ and verify the values are correct,especially:

application: Edit the android:label in the application tag to reflect the final name of theapp.

For iOS

See the Review Xcode project settings section:

Navigate to your target’s settings in Xcode:

In Xcode, open Runner.xcworkspace in your app’s ios folder.

To view your app’s settings, select the Runner project in the Xcode projectnavigator. Then, in the main view sidebar, select the Runner target.

Select the General tab. Next, you’ll verify the most importantsettings:

Display Name: the name of the app to be displayed on the home screenand elsewhere.

There is a plugin, flutter_launcher_name.

Write file pubspec.yaml:

dev_dependencies:  flutter_launcher_name: "^0.0.1"flutter_launcher_name:  name: "yourNewAppLauncherName"

And run:

flutter pub getflutter pub run flutter_launcher_name:main

You can get the same result as editing AndroidManifes.xml and Info.plist.