How can I create a multilingual android application? How can I create a multilingual android application? android android

How can I create a multilingual android application?

Yes, there is a recommended way to manage multiple languages

Multilanguage support is easy done for android. Create a new values directory for the language with the suffix of the language code. For german: values-de or french: values-fr than copy your string.xml into that and translate each entry. Thats all you need.

Do android support multiple languages?

Providing you follow the recommendations, detecting which language the user prefers is automatic.

Have a read of this:

In Activity file

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item){    String languageToLoad="en";    switch (item.getItemId()) {        case             languageToLoad = "en";            break;        case            languageToLoad = "hi";            break;        case            languageToLoad = "te";            break;        case            languageToLoad = "ta";            break;        case            languageToLoad = "kan";            break;        case            languageToLoad = "ml";            break;        case            languageToLoad = "mr";            break;        default:            break;    }         Locale locale = new Locale(languageToLoad);    Locale.setDefault(locale);    Configuration config = new Configuration();    config.locale = locale;    getResources().updateConfiguration(config,getResources().getDisplayMetrics());}

In res\menu\menus.xml

<menu xmlns:android=""xmlns:app=""xmlns:tools=""tools:context="com.example.connect.OrderProcess">        <item            android:title="Language"            app:showAsAction="never">            <menu>                <item                    android:id="@+id/eng"                    android:title="English"/>                <item                    android:id="@+id/hn"                    android:title="Hindi"/>                <item                    android:id="@+id/te"                    android:title="Telugu"/>                <item                    android:id="@+id/ta"                    android:title="Tamil"/>                <item                    android:id="@+id/ka"                    android:title="Kannada"/>                <item                    android:id="@+id/ml"                    android:title="Malayalam"/>                <item                    android:id="@+id/mr"                    android:title="Marathi"/>            </menu>        </item>   </menu>

AND Create folder and file

res\values\string.xml (English)

res\values-hi\string.xml (Hindi)

res\values-kan\string.xml (Kannada)

res\values-te\string.xml (Telugu)

res\values-ta\string.xml (Tamil)


res\values-mr\string.xml (Marathi)

In string.xml (Hindi)

 <resources> <string name="email">ईमेल</string><string name="password">पासवर्ड </string> </resources>

Know that it's a late post, thought of sharing a demo application, so it will be helpful for some people.

Multi-language app using shared preferences

This demo showcase the following two scenario's,

  • Select language from drop down list.
  • Choose language from Bottom Sheet design

The selected language is stored in shared preferences. So next time once the app is open, the prefered language will be choosen automatically.

Source code -