How can I set the default Scope in IntelliJ 12 for Find Usages? How can I set the default Scope in IntelliJ 12 for Find Usages? android android

How can I set the default Scope in IntelliJ 12 for Find Usages?

Reporting back from the future: the behaviour described in the question has now been implemented (Intellij issue mentioned in the comments).

To configure cmdaltF7 to run in a default scope, start by running it against some Symbol

Usages found

Clicking on the wrench icon, one can select one of the pre-defined scopes, or create a new one (using the ... button).

List of scopes

The + creates a new scope. Find the folder in which to look, and click Include recursively. And voila!

Create a scope

Any consequent searches will use that scope until it is changed.

Instead of cmdaltF7, use the shortcut altF7. This will open a pop-up for you to make a selection about Scope, Test occurrences, and types of usage. You will have to make this selection one time. The next time you press altF7 then your choices are remembered.

The result is that altF7 followed by enter gives you what you need.