How can I start a new android activity using class name in a string? How can I start a new android activity using class name in a string? android android

How can I start a new android activity using class name in a string?

Here is a code by which you can start activity using the name of the activity

String activityToStart = "com.example.MainActivity";try {    Class<?> c = Class.forName(activityToStart);    Intent intent = new Intent(this, c);    startActivity(intent);} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {}


Here class name will be full name of the class with the package name.For example if your package name will be x.y.z and if you have Activity name called A then the full name of the Activity A will be x.y.z.A.

An even better way (and one that is used in the system to launch Browser.apk along with other apps that aren't bundled with AOSP):

Intent intent = new Intent();intent.setClassName("","");context.startActivity(intent);

Alternatively, if you want to check that you can start the Activity from the command line, you can do something like this from your shell:

adb shellam start

I am not aware of solution but i have an alternative.. the way similar to div hide and show in web pages.

if your s1s1 is to loaded low content have them in a linearlayout and keep their visibility gone on loading form s1. when you click on s1 to reach s1s1 hide s1 and set the params of visibility to "visible".

By doing this you can avoid creating a separate activity and this way is also easy to navigate back.