How do I know that the scrollview is already scrolled to the bottom? How do I know that the scrollview is already scrolled to the bottom? android android

How do I know that the scrollview is already scrolled to the bottom?

I found a way to make it work. I needed to check the measured height of the child to the ScrollView, in this case a LinearLayout. I use the <= because it also should do something when scrolling isn't necessary. I.e. when the LinearLayout is not as high as the ScrollView. In those cases getScrollY is always 0.

ScrollView scrollView = (ScrollView) findViewById(;    LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;    if(linearLayout.getMeasuredHeight() <= scrollView.getScrollY() +           scrollView.getHeight()) {        //do something    }    else {        //do nothing    }

Here it is:

public class myScrollView extends ScrollView{    public myScrollView(Context context)    {        super(context);    }    public myScrollView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet)    {        super(context,attributeSet);    }    @Override    protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt)    {        View view = (View)getChildAt(getChildCount()-1);        int d = view.getBottom();        d -= (getHeight()+getScrollY());        if(d==0)        {            //you are at the end of the list in scrollview             //do what you wanna do here        }        else            super.onScrollChanged(l,t,oldl,oldt);    }}

You can either use myScrollView in xml layout or instantiate it in your code.Hint: with code above if user hits the end of the list 10 times frequently then your code will run 10 times. In some cases like when you want to load data from a remote server to update your list, that behavior would be undesired (most probably). try to predict undesired situation and avoid them.

Hint 2: sometimes getting close to the end of the list may be the right time to let your script run. for example user is reading a list of articles and is getting close to the end. then you start loading more before list finishes. To do so, just do this to fulfill your purpose:


You can get the maximum scroll for the width by doing this

int maxScroll = yourScrollView.getChildAt(0).getMeasuredWidth() - yourScrollView.getWidth();

change getWidth() to getHeight() for vertical scroll views