How do you change the size of an ImageView? How do you change the size of an ImageView? android android

How do you change the size of an ImageView?

If you're working with an existing view it can be a lot of work creating a new set of LayoutParams from scratch. Instead - you can grab the view's existing LayoutParams, edit these, and then apply them to the view to update its LayoutParams using setLayoutParams()

ImageView imageView = findViewById(;LayoutParams params = (LayoutParams) imageView.getLayoutParams();params.width = 120;// existing height is ok as is, no need to edit itimageView.setLayoutParams(params);

Make sure you import the correct type of LayoutParams. For this case, as you commented, you can just use the LayoutParams of a ViewGroup. If you were setting parameters specific to a certain type of view (e.g. alignments in RelativeLayouts) you would have to import the LayoutParams of that type of view.

you can do it all like

ImageView imageView = findViewById(;imageView.getLayoutParams().width = 120;