how to access getFilesDir() as an environment variable? how to access getFilesDir() as an environment variable? android android

how to access getFilesDir() as an environment variable?

It's not possible.

Context.getFilesDir() returns a path that is bound to your package and the Context is required to access the package name.

Environment is different as there's only constants that are common to all apps running on the same runtime.

However, a Context is available practically everywhere in an Android application so this shouldn't really be a problem.

Follow up:

how about Environment.getDataDirectory()? how can I get data\data as from data\data\com.Myapp using EnvironmentVar?

Environment.getDataDirectory() just returns the part of the data directory common to all apps. For example, the /data/data.

To get your own files dir (getFilesDir()), your package name and "/files" need to be appended to it. Context implementation does this for you.

There is an excellent documentation on this done by a Githib user, which is really valuable. Maybe it will help someone:

Here is the entire contents posted from the documentation:

enter image description here

enter image description here