how to build an APK and separate libraries that the app loads dynamically how to build an APK and separate libraries that the app loads dynamically android android

how to build an APK and separate libraries that the app loads dynamically

This tutorial is a good start for external loading of DEX files.Only three small files of source (,, and it copies secondary_dex.jar from the assets folder, into internal application storage [outdex/dex] (the internet is also stated as possible in the tutorial).You have to build it with ant, because it uses custom build steps.I tried it, it works fine. Worth a look.
custom class loading in Dalvik and ART

UPDATEthis code has been ported to Android Studio gradle (no need for ant).
Tested ok. Copies com.example.toastlib.jar from the SDcard into internal application storage [outdex/dex],(not assets folder).( you must read the file in the project to build it).

Q: How do I add an Activity, I cannot add it to the manifest ?
A: Use Fragments, they don't need entries in the manifest.

Q: A Jar with resources that is meant to be added to an existing project needs to be able to merge its resources with the project's own resources (R.).
A: Hacks are available, Data file...
Packaging Android resource files within a distributable Jar file

Q: The external file has wrong permissions.
A: Import it.

Q: I need to add uses-permission.
A: Use API23 you can programmatically add uses-permissions (but they still need to be declared in the Manifest, so the new permissions model is probably not much use to us).

This section is for more general users (@LarsH has more specific requirements about updates), The example above is 17kb apk and 1 kb jar. You could put the bulk of you code in the one-off jar, and updates would involve just loading an new Apk (and then importing the bulk code jar, to minimise the data transfer).When the Apk gets too big, start again with a small Apk and everything migrated to another jar (import 2 jar's). You need to balance coding effort, user experience, maintainability, supportability, bandwidth, android rules, play store rules (if these words even exist ;O)).

NOTE Dalvik is discontinued

The successor of Dalvik is Android Runtime (ART), which uses the same bytecode and .dex files (but not .odex files), with the succession aiming at performance improvements transparent to the end users. The new runtime environment was included for the first time in Android 4.4 "KitKat" as a technology preview, and replaced Dalvik entirely in later versions; Android 5.0 "Lollipop" is the first version in which ART is the only included runtime.

You could try to build multiple apk's with the same sharedUserId and the same process.

This is the plugin mechanism used by Threema

Edit: More about Theema

Threema has one main app and two plugins:

Doing so the main app does not need the permissions for accessing the camera or microphone