How to catch all errors for ExoPlayer? How to catch all errors for ExoPlayer? android android

How to catch all errors for ExoPlayer?

Thanks to feedback from ExoPlayer support, this should cover all problems.

    @Override    public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) {        switch (error.type) {            case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_SOURCE:                Log.e(TAG, "TYPE_SOURCE: " + error.getSourceException().getMessage());                break;            case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_RENDERER:                Log.e(TAG, "TYPE_RENDERER: " + error.getRendererException().getMessage());                break;            case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_UNEXPECTED:                Log.e(TAG, "TYPE_UNEXPECTED: " + error.getUnexpectedException().getMessage());                break;        }    }

You could catch exoplayer errors like this:

this.player = new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(PlayActivity.this).build();player.addListener(new Player.EventListener() {                @Override                public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) {                    .....                }});

For Kotlin users the syntax is a bit different (I struggled with the object declaration):

// initialize and setup exo playerplayer = SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(applicationContext).build()// setup error listenerplayer.addListener(object : Player.EventListener {    override fun onPlayerError(error: ExoPlaybackException) {    log.debug("ExoPlayer error, ${error.sourceException.message}")    }})