How to change color of Android ListView separator line? How to change color of Android ListView separator line? android android

How to change color of Android ListView separator line?

You can set this value in a layout xml file using android:divider="#FF0000". If you are changing the colour/drawable, you have to set/reset the height of the divider too.

<LinearLayout  xmlns:android=""  android:layout_width="wrap_content"  android:layout_height="wrap_content">  <ListView     android:id="@+id/android:list"    android:layout_width="wrap_content"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:divider="#FFCC00"    android:dividerHeight="4px"/></LinearLayout>

Or you can code it:

int[] colors = {0, 0xFFFF0000, 0}; // red for the examplemyList.setDivider(new GradientDrawable(Orientation.RIGHT_LEFT, colors));myList.setDividerHeight(1);

Hope it helps

For a single color line use:

list.setDivider(new ColorDrawable(0x99F10529));   //0xAARRGGBBlist.setDividerHeight(1);

It's important that DividerHeight is set after the divider, else you won't get anything.