How to change the position of a progress dialog? How to change the position of a progress dialog? android android

How to change the position of a progress dialog?

You can call ProgressDialog#getWindow#setGravity(...) to change the gravity.


ProgressDialog dialog =, "Test", "On the bottom");                dialog.getWindow().setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM);

In addition to the other answers you can use LayoutParams.x or LayoutParams.y to provide an offset from the given edge. For Example:

progressDialog =, "Title","Text");progressDialog.getWindow().setGravity(Gravity.TOP);LayoutParams params = progressDialog.getWindow().getAttributes();params.y = 100;progressDialog.getWindow().setAttributes(params);

And it is good for you to know about LayoutParams.y:

Y position for this window. With the default gravity it is ignored. When using TOP or BOTTOM it provides an offset from the given edge.

and about LayoutParams.x:

X position for this window. With the default gravity it is ignored. When using LEFT or START or RIGHT or END it provides an offset from the given edge.

If you're using any custom theme for the ProgressDialog, Then you could add the below xml tag to the style in your style.xml file of the custom theme

<item name="android:layout_gravity">bottom</item>