How to check for unrestricted Internet access? (captive portal detection) How to check for unrestricted Internet access? (captive portal detection) android android

How to check for unrestricted Internet access? (captive portal detection)

For reference, here is the 'official' method from the Android 4.0.1 AOSP code base:WifiWatchdogStateMachine.isWalledGardenConnection(). I am including the code below just in case the link breaks in the future.

private static final String mWalledGardenUrl = "";private static final int WALLED_GARDEN_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000;private boolean isWalledGardenConnection() {    HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;    try {        URL url = new URL(mWalledGardenUrl); // ""        urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();        urlConnection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false);        urlConnection.setConnectTimeout(WALLED_GARDEN_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS);        urlConnection.setReadTimeout(WALLED_GARDEN_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS);        urlConnection.setUseCaches(false);        urlConnection.getInputStream();        // We got a valid response, but not from the real google        return urlConnection.getResponseCode() != 204;    } catch (IOException e) {        if (DBG) {            log("Walled garden check - probably not a portal: exception "                    + e);        }        return false;    } finally {        if (urlConnection != null) {            urlConnection.disconnect();        }    }}

This approach relies on a specific URL, mWalledGardenUrl = "" always returning a 204 response code. This will work even if DNS has been interfered with since in that case a 200 code will be returned instead of the expected 204. I have seen some captive portals spoofing requests to this specific URL in order to prevent the Internet not accessible message on Android devices.

Google has a variation of this theme: fetching will return a 200 code with a zero-length response body. So if you get a non-empty body this would be another way to figure out that you are behind a walled garden.

Apple has its own URLs for detecting captive portals: when network is up IOS and MacOS devices would connect to an URL like,, or which must return an HTTP status code of 200 and a body containing Success.

NOTE:This approach will not work in areas with restricted Internet access such as China where the whole country is a walled garden, and where some Google/Apple services might be blocked. Some of these might not be blocked:,, or — yet these all belong to google so not guaranteed to work.

Another possible solution might be to connect via HTTPS and inspect the target certificate. Not sure if walled gardens actually serve the login page via HTTPS or just drop the connections. In either case, you should be able to see that your destination is not the one you expected.

Of course, you also have the overhead of TLS and certificate checks. Such is the price of authenticated connections, unfortunately.

I believe preventing redirection for your connection will work.

URL url = new URL(hostUrl));HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();/* This line prevents redirects */httpConn.setInstanceFollowRedirects( false );httpConn.setAllowUserInteraction( false );httpConn.setRequestMethod( "GET" );httpConn.connect();responseCode = httpConn.getResponseCode();isConnected = responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;

If that doesn't work, then I think the only way to do it is to check the body of the response.