How to check whether a particular device supports 4G networks in Android? How to check whether a particular device supports 4G networks in Android? android android

How to check whether a particular device supports 4G networks in Android?

ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);   NetworkInfo[] info = cm.getAllNetworkInfo();   for(int i=0; i <info.length; i++){       Log.i("netinfo"+i, info[i].getType()+"");       Log.i("netinfo"+i, info[i].getTypeName());       Log.i("netinfo"+i, info[i].getSubtype()+"");       Log.i("netinfo"+i, info[i].getSubtypeName());   }

Use this piece of code and get all available options on the device. I think you should be able to get all capabilities of the device.

and network type info is present in

I think network types added from API level 11 are for 4g. Check it yourself.

This might work. It should check for WiMax 4g:

    private boolean is4gavailable() {    ConnectivityManager connec = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);    NetworkInfo mobileInfo = connec.getNetworkInfo(0);    NetworkInfo wifiInfo = connec.getNetworkInfo(1);    NetworkInfo wimaxInfo = connec.getNetworkInfo(6);    if (wimaxInfo!=null) {    return mobileInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting() || wifiInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting() || wimaxInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();    }    else {    return mobileInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting() || wifiInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();    }}

Try looking at this for a little more clarification.

  Context context = MainActivity.this;  public synchronized static boolean isNetAvailable(Context context){        boolean isNetAvailable=false;        if ( context != null ){            ConnectivityManager mgr = (ConnectivityManager)   context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);            if ( mgr != null )               {                boolean mobileNetwork = false;                boolean wifiNetwork = false;                boolean wiMaxNetwork = false;                boolean mobileNetworkConnecetd = false;                boolean wifiNetworkConnecetd = false;                boolean wiMaxNetworkConnected = false;                NetworkInfo mobileInfo = mgr.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);                NetworkInfo wifiInfo = mgr.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);                NetworkInfo wiMaxInfo = mgr.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX);                if ( mobileInfo != null )                    mobileNetwork = mobileInfo.isAvailable();                                       if ( wifiInfo != null )                    wifiNetwork = wifiInfo.isAvailable();                if(wiMaxInfo != null)                    wiMaxNetwork = wiMaxInfo.isAvailable();                if(wifiNetwork == true || mobileNetwork == true || wiMaxNetwork == true){                    mobileNetworkConnecetd = mobileInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();                    wifiNetworkConnecetd = wifiInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();                    wiMaxNetworkConnected = wiMaxInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();                }                isNetAvailable = ( mobileNetworkConnecetd || wifiNetworkConnecetd || wiMaxNetworkConnected );            }        }        return isNetAvailable;    }

Check for value of isNetAvailable is true in all the 3 cases this works for me, wish work for u too

Note : 4G availability will be introduces API level 8 onwards.