How to configure gradle to work "offline" (using cached dependencies) How to configure gradle to work "offline" (using cached dependencies) android android

How to configure gradle to work "offline" (using cached dependencies)

Gradle does a good job of avoiding re-downloading artifacts, but you can pass --offline to Gradle to prevent from accessing the network during builds.


gradle --offline build

If it needs something from the network that it doesn't have, instead of attempting to fetch it, your build will fail.

Android Studio

In Android Studio you can make gradle to build your apps fully offline by activating this option:

Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build tools -> Gradle

enter image description here

Gradle CLI

In Gradle command line interface you can get this done by using --offline flag.

Specifies that the build should operate without accessing network resources.

Android Studio (v. 3.6.1 and above)

You can make gradle to build your apps fully offline by activating this option:

Here is the screenshot from the Android Studio Gradle Toolbar 👇

disconnect gradle sync