How to copy and edit files in Android shell? How to copy and edit files in Android shell? android android

How to copy and edit files in Android shell?

To copy dirs, it seems you can use adb pull <remote> <local> if you want to copy file/dir from device, and adb push <local> <remote> to copy file/dir to device. Alternatively, just to copy a file, you can use a simple trick: cat source_file > dest_file. Note that this does not work for user-inaccessible paths.

To edit files, I have not found a simple solution, just some possible workarounds. Try this, it seems you can (after the setup) use it to edit files like busybox vi <filename>. Nano seems to be possible to use too.

You can do it without root permissions:

cat srcfile > /mnt/sdcard/dstfile

The most common answer to that is simple: Bundle few apps (busybox?) with your APK (assuming you want to use it within an application). As far as I know, the /data partition is not mounted noexec, and even if you don't want to deploy a fully-fledged APK, you could modify ConnectBot sources to build an APK with a set of command line tools included.

For command line tools, I recommend using crosstool-ng and building a set of statically-linked tools (linked against uClibc). They might be big, but they'll definitely work.