How to create a DialogFragment without title? How to create a DialogFragment without title? android android

How to create a DialogFragment without title?

Just add this line of code in your HelpDialog.onCreateView(...)


This way you're explicitly asking to get a window without title :)


As @DataGraham and @Blundell pointed out on the comments below, it's safer to add the request for a title-less window in the onCreateDialog() method instead of onCreateView(). This way you can prevent ennoying NPE when you're not using your fragment as a Dialog:

@Overridepublic Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  Dialog dialog = super.onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState);  // request a window without the title  dialog.getWindow().requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);  return dialog;}

Dialog fragment has setStyle method, which should be called before view creation Java Doc. Also style of the dialog can be set with the same method

public static MyDialogFragment newInstance() {        MyDialogFragment mDialogFragment = new MyDialogFragment();        //Set Arguments here if needed for dialog auto recreation on screen rotation        mDialogFragment.setStyle(DialogFragment.STYLE_NO_TITLE, 0);        return mDialogFragment;}

FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();SettingsDialog sd = new SettingsDialog();sd.setStyle(DialogFragment.STYLE_NO_TITLE, 0);, "settings_dialog");