How to create jar for Android Library Project How to create jar for Android Library Project android android

How to create jar for Android Library Project

This is the closest that you can get:

Step #1: Create a regular Android library project, and get it working.

Step #2: Copy that Android library project into another directory.

Step #3: Create a JAR from the compiled Java classes from the original Android library project, and put that JAR in the libs/ directory of the copy you made in Step #2. You should be able to run ProGuard on this JAR manually, though I haven't tried that.

Step #4: Remove everything inside the src/ directory of the copied library project, leaving behind and empty src/ directory.

Step #5: ZIP up or otherwise distribute the copied Android library project.

This will give you an Android library project like the Play Services one, where the resources are available, but the source code is not.

UPDATE: An even better approach nowadays is to package your library project as an AAR, which is Android's native way of creating a reusable artifact from your compiled code plus required resources. At the present time (July 2014), Gradle for Android, Android Studio, and the android-maven-plugin can create and consume AARs.

This works!

  1. Make your library project a normal project by deselecting IsLibrary flag.
  2. Execute your project as Android Application. (It will not show any error)
  3. You'll find a .jar file in bin folder along with .apk.
  4. Give you .jar who want to use your library.
  5. Tell them to just import external jar into build path.

This will work fine with all the resources. Thanking you all. for your responce

Follow the below steps to obtain a distributable jar of your library (verified for library project without external dependencies):

  1. Create your library project. Clean it. You will get a libraryProjectName.jar file inside the bin folder. (Make sure "is Library" is selected in the library project.
  2. Copy the .jar file into the libs folder of your target application
  3. Refresh your workspace and press Ctr+Shift+O (on Windwows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+O (on Mac) to resolve any import dependencies from the library added.

Comment in case facing any issue.