How to define and use a constant in Gradle build script (Android)? How to define and use a constant in Gradle build script (Android)? android android

How to define and use a constant in Gradle build script (Android)?

Only I'm not sure how to define orangeProPackage so that it's visible in the entire build.gradle and doesn't break the script.

You could put it in in your project root. Like other .properties files, it's just a key-value store:


You then refer to it as a simple global string variable (ORANGE_PRO_PACKAGE) in your build.gradle:

buildConfigField 'String', 'ORANGE_PRO_PACKAGE', '"' + ORANGE_PRO_PACKAGE + '"'

it would be best if I could somehow group all these constants

Anything involving .properties files won't handle that. There, you may be looking at defining globals in the top-level build.gradle file just in plain Groovy code or something.