How to dismiss AlertDialog in android How to dismiss AlertDialog in android android android

How to dismiss AlertDialog in android

Actually there is no any cancel() or dismiss() method from AlertDialog.Builder Class.

So Instead of AlertDialog.Builder optionDialog use AlertDialog instance.


AlertDialog optionDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();

Now, Just call optionDialog.dismiss();

background.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {    public void onClick(View v) {        SetBackground();        // here I want to dismiss it after SetBackground() method         optionDialog.dismiss();    }});

I think there's a simpler solution: Just use the DialogInterface argument that is passed to the onClick method.

AlertDialog.Builder db = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);        db.setNegativeButton("cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){            @Override            public void onClick(DialogInterface d, int arg1) {                db.cancel();                //here db.cancel will dismiss the builder            };          });

See, for example,

Try this:

   AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);   AlertDialog OptionDialog = builder.create();  background.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {        public void onClick(View v) {            SetBackground();       OptionDialog .dismiss();        }    });