How to draw a triangle, a star, a square or a heart on the canvas? How to draw a triangle, a star, a square or a heart on the canvas? android android

How to draw a triangle, a star, a square or a heart on the canvas?

For future direct answer seekers, I have drawn an almost symmetric star using canvas, as shown in the image:

Star Image

The main tool is using Paths.

Assuming you have setup:

Paint paint = new Paint();paint.setColor(Color.WHITE);paint.setAntiAlias(true);paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);Path path = new Path();

Then in you onDraw you can use the path like I do below. It will scale properly to any sizes canvas

@Overrideprotected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {    float mid = getWidth() / 2;    float min = Math.min(getWidth(), getHeight());    float fat = min / 17;    float half = min / 2;    float rad = half - fat;    mid = mid - half;    paint.setStrokeWidth(fat);    paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);    canvas.drawCircle(mid + half, half, rad, paint);    path.reset();    paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);        // top left        path.moveTo(mid + half * 0.5f, half * 0.84f);        // top right        path.lineTo(mid + half * 1.5f, half * 0.84f);        // bottom left        path.lineTo(mid + half * 0.68f, half * 1.45f);        // top tip        path.lineTo(mid + half * 1.0f, half * 0.5f);        // bottom right        path.lineTo(mid + half * 1.32f, half * 1.45f);        // top left        path.lineTo(mid + half * 0.5f, half * 0.84f);        path.close();        canvas.drawPath(path, paint);    super.onDraw(canvas);}

For everybody that needs a heart shape:

    import android.content.Context;    import;    import;    import;    import;    import;    import android.view.View;    public class Heart extends View {        private Path path;        private Paint paint;        public Heart(Context context) {            super(context);            path = new Path();            paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);        }            @Override            protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {                super.onDraw(canvas);                // Fill the canvas with background color                canvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE);                paint.setShader(null);                float width = getContext().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.heart_width);                float height = getContext().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.heart_height);                // Starting point                path.moveTo(width / 2, height / 5);                 // Upper left path                path.cubicTo(5 * width / 14, 0,                        0, height / 15,                        width / 28, 2 * height / 5);                // Lower left path                path.cubicTo(width / 14, 2 * height / 3,                        3 * width / 7, 5 * height / 6,                        width / 2, height);                // Lower right path                path.cubicTo(4 * width / 7, 5 * height / 6,                        13 * width / 14, 2 * height / 3,                        27 * width / 28, 2 * height / 5);                // Upper right path                path.cubicTo(width, height / 15,                        9 * width / 14, 0,                        width / 2, height / 5);                paint.setColor(Color.RED);                paint.setStyle(Style.FILL);                canvas.drawPath(path, paint);            }    }

Sorry for all the numbers but these worked best for me :) The result looks like this:

enter image description here

You have to find out the math behind that figures. The triangle and the star are quite easy to draw. Here is how you can draw a heart:

To draw special paths you should create them by adding points, ellipses etc. The canvas supports a clipping mask of a specified path, so you can set the clipping mask of a heart, push the paths to the matrix, draw the content of the heart, and then pop it again.

That's what I'm doing to achieve a simulated 2D page curl effect on andriod:

Hope this helps!